Mrs. Fletcher
Genre: Fiction
This is the story of Eve Fletcher, executive director of a senior citizen center, divorced, lonely and raising her son, Brendan, who is about to begin college. Brendan has a hard time in college as he discovers a world where not everyone wants to have sex and party all the time. Eve struggles with her empty nest and trying to figure out how to communicate with her son at this new stage of life. One evening, Eve gets an anonymous text that says, "U R my MILF". When she searches for the meaning of this acronym (Mother I'd Like to Fuck), Eve discovers a whole world of pornography and begins to spend many an intimate night with her laptop in bed. By the end of the story Eve discovers who her fan is and Brendan discovers that there is a value to hard work and that, sometimes, the path we thought we should be taking isn't really meant for us.
I love my Goodreads account. I keep track of the books I've read and the ones I want to read. I currently have 236 books in my “To Read” tab. There is never enough time! The only problem with Goodreads is that there is no way to track how I learn about a book (if you know how to do so, kind reader, please let me know). So, I don't know how or where I found this book, but I do know that I had to wait about 2 months to get it from my library. I wish I could go back to the person, magazine, book list or wherever I got this book recommendation and tell them just how much I didn't enjoy this book (that is putting it mildly). It reads like the fantasy of a middle-aged man that includes porn, casual sex, college partying practices and threesomes (yes, I'm pointing a finger at you, Mr. Perrotta). But more importantly, it isn't particularly well-written and the characters aren't compelling or likeable. Big disappointment!