Almost Sisters
Genre: Fiction
This is the story of Leia Birch Briggs, a single woman living in Virginia who works as a comic book artist, and has written and drawn her own comic book, Violent Violence. Leia finds out she is pregnant from a one-night-stand at a comic convention and is excited to welcome "Digby" into the world, but is unsure about including his father in the equation. Leia's grandmother, Birchie, who lives with her best friend, is very ill and Leia returns home to Alabama to help care for her. Her half-sister and niece join as well. While there, Leia learns of a family secret that has given her the resolve to care for, and stand-by her grandmother through difficult times, and to make decisions about her own future.
This story was too much: too many characters and too many story lines! It took me a while to get interested in the story and then another character and their story was introduced, and then another one, and another. Well, you get the point. Too much. Editing, editing, editing is the key with this story. There was definitely something to work with, it just needed a good weeding out.