The Lions of Fifth Avenue
Genre: Fiction

This is the story of Laura Lyons, who together with her husband, Jack, is raising their two young children in 1913. The family lives a fairly ordinary life, except for the fact that they live in an apartment inside the now renowned, New York City Public Library. Jack is the library's superintendent and Laura, like most women of her time, cares for their children and their household. So much changes for the family when Laura decides to enroll at Columbia University to study journalism. In a world where women are rarely given entry, Laura makes her mark quickly, sidestepping the fluffy topics handed her by her professor, and going for the meaty subjects of social justice and health reform. But all is not going so well on the library front as rare books are disappearing off the shelves and answers have to be found. Fast forward 80 years to 1993, we next meet Sadie, Laura's granddaughter, who works for the New York Public Library as a curator. Sadie's mother recently died and said something about one of the books that was stolen in 1913. Sadie begins to wonder if her mother knew something about those missing books from long ago. And then, books begin disappearing from the library, again. Are the thieves connected? What is the connection between Sadie and her grandmother, Laura? This is a story of family and finding love in the midst of loss and grief.
This was such an enjoyable read. The story, of course, is enjoyable and you'll want to go back and find out what happens to Laura and Sadie and their family throughout the story and to find out about the mystery of the stolen books. Along the way you'll learn about generational family connections and that time softens the blows of loss but doesn't erase them entirely. But this story sent me digging for more information about the story line and the history of the New York Public Library. It's incredible to think that libraries were once cared for by individuals and not cities. I love stories that open your mind to things you never knew or thought about before. If you haven't yet read this book, be sure to add it to your list.